Website on Social media

I have created my website and was working properly! But the problem was one! If tried to share it on social media like Facebook, WhatsApp, and so on, the featured image doesn’t appear! So how can I solve this problem?

Welcome to the forum!

It does not appear because of this:


True! And what I shared is a link of my posted story, but the featured image to that story didn’t on Facebook! I want to get advice from about how I can share my website URL and sent with image or logo!

I’m not sure what you mean by this.

You cannot due to the security system.


Now clear!
So, after buying domain name, can be possible?

If you buy your own domain name and if I remember correctly it will work. You will have to follow this guide, though.


im not a facebook user but is it possible to screenshot your website and share that on facebook with the url ?


You can add a url into a Facebook post but Infinityfree doesn’t allow the resources to do so. Probably a photo upload and link would do the trick.

Why would you want to do this if you don’t use Facebook?

Hi AbiHodal,

By purchasing your domain, you can use Cloudflare with that domain. You can then add that same domain as an “addon domain” on your hosting account via the control panel using the CNAME method. This way, the security system will let Facebook through to your site and you can achieve social preview - that is having a cover image on your shared links. You’ll also need to implement open graph tags on your website for that to happen tho.

Hi lovebug,

It is possible but the screenshot would be a separate image from the link in the same post, similar to sharing an image and having the link as a caption with a different type of display on Facebook specifically. Normally people want to have the original format more than separating things as having them apart implies that the website might not be the same thing as the imagery presented, therefore hesitation in visiting.

Hi Baden89,

More like an additional requirement rather than “doesn’t allow” here.

Maybe he/she is just curious about this.



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