Website not working

Website URL

Error Message

Website not working
Site can’t be reached

Other Information

(other information and details relevant to your question)

Seems like the server IP your website is on ( is currently down, maybe due to maintenance or a DDoS attack. You’ll have to wait until it gets back up; sometimes it takes 30 minutes, sometimes it even takes more for it to finish, but if you don’t want to wait you can move your website to a different hosting account where the problem isn’t present.


How to move the website to other hosting account is there any fastest way , I am unable to download full zip folder it throws error to download in zip in monsta ftp

Now your website is working, so there’s no need to do anything! Yeah, I also forgot the case where sometimes it takes even less.


For future downtimes pls help

Using a desktop FTP client for such cases is recommended:


Okay :ok_hand:

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