Website not working - 502

Hello, i cannot seem to go on my website because of 502 error, why is it occuring? Having problems last few hours… kind regards, Tim

If you don’t fill out the template we can’t help you.

What is your domain?


Hi, sorry. Here it is:

Your website works fine on my machine. I did not encounter the 502 error. However, some of the resources (i.e: images) failed to load. After inspecting one of the URLs, I found out:

The image “…” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

I suspect the images were missing. Kindly check the existence of the files in your Cloudinary account. I followed the instructions described in this article. The x-cld-error header indicates Resource Not Found error.

Resource not found (public_id is not specified in the error message)

  • Cause: This indicates that an error occurred, but the specific cause is hidden due to account security settings.
  • Next Steps:
  • The underlying message can be seen in the Error report for paid plans.
  • You can also reach out to the support team to verify the exact error or adjust the settings to reveal the underlying issue.

I believed this is beyond Infinityfree’s concern. You can contact Cloudinary directly. A community forum is available on, too.

Click here to view problematic assets

These are the assets which emit 404.


Oh now it works. Before it did not. I am not sure about this image. I will check in that one thanks!


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