(please specify the URL of the site on which you are experiencing the problem)
(please share the FULL error message you see, if applicable)
Other Information
All websites in all accounts have the same issue. For example try 303.ct.ws
(please specify the URL of the site on which you are experiencing the problem)
(please share the FULL error message you see, if applicable)
All websites in all accounts have the same issue. For example try 303.ct.ws
Its loading fine for me? could be a DNS issue if you only set it up very recently?
It’s loading for u ok then its an error because of the wlan i am in. It’s my schools wlan and somebody could have launched an dos from the same wlan. Ty
In the Account the website(s) is in, what’s the IP?
School networks tend to be very locked down with security filters and whatnot. Could it be possible that your school is blocking access to our servers, not the other way around?
It wouldn’t be the first time. Free hosting unfortunately sees a lot of abuse, and some people think that it means that all free hosting users must be criminals.
no, its not locked, i could access it there like 4 days ago normally, but it stopped working suddenly…
So what’s to say the network did not block it in the last 4 days?
Does it work on your home Internet / cellular data?
yes, like it should!
Sounds like the case of School/Work looked at the site, didn't like it, and silently blocked it.
Just work on it/use it at home, or contact the IT department.
So it worked before, and now it doesn’t work. What makes you so absolutely sure that it must be a hosting issue, and could never be a problem on your network? Do you believe that hosting always changes for no reason but your school network never does?
Security blocklists are frequently updated with the latest information about identified threats. These list updates can also result in new false positives. If the issue is a network block on your end, then that’s why it worked before but doesn’t work now.