Website IPs and down for maintenance

I am having issues too, my website no longer exists? As detailed in this post on the forum: Can't connect to FTP? Website down - #8 by eko180
I had created a new website on my own domain hosted here. The IP is, port 21, subdomain which I forwarded to my new domain which now gets a 404 not found,
The original subdomain now loads a blank wordpress saying “Lets make something awesome”
I can now connect to the file manager FTP however all the files are gone, yet on my Cpanel it is still saying I have used resources such as sqldatabases, add-on domains, and 19% of my inodes?

Is there anyway to resolve this or do I need to start the whole process all over again as I had only made by website 1 day before this wipe/issue had occurred and therefore have no backups myself.
