I use hosting on the Infinityfree since June 2023. I hadn’t any big problem yet, but I few last days the web behave very atypical.
On Friday, 20th December, I found out that a part of the pages on the WordPress website was deleted, but nobody from the administrators did it. Also, some images disappeared.
I restored the pages from trash and I upload the images through FTP to server. Then, everything worked, only the images weren’t shown at Media Library. I tried to use MediaSync and that was the moment, when the bigger problem started.
After that, some pictures disappeared from the web. They were on the server, in the database. I saw it on Elementor when I wanted to edit the page. But it wasn’t on published pages. I tried to deactivate plugins and use another way how to register the images to the database and everything that I found on the internet. But without any result.
I tried to find out the solution, but after that, the web was suspended because it hit the CPU limits. I think that it was because of my activity when I tried to solve the technical problem.
But today, on Monday, I was much more careful. I didn’t do almost anything, I only tried to refresh thumbnails of 20 images and then I started to upload the images that weren’t shown on the website. I uploaded about 20 images, and then the website was suspended again. Again because of CPU limit. But I did fewer things than the day before. So I think that my activity isn’t the main problem. When I developed the website, I did more things and there weren’t any problems.
I would like to ask, if there is some problem with hosting and servers, or if the problem is on my website? I had the idea that the website could be the target of some attack, but I can’t find out now. So I would like to ask, if someone had a similar problem or some idea, what could be the problem? I would like to solve it and I don’t want to risk that the web will be permanently deleted because of hitting the limits. But I’m not sure how to do it.