Unable to send email from contact form 7 in wordpress

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Error Message

There was an error trying to send your message. Please try again later.

Other Information

This error occurs when the submission was referred to as spam

I don’t know if that sentence has anything to do with the problem




I am trying to set up email through the SMTP plugin using SendGrid. But I am not able to authenticate the domain. I have added all CNAME records but they are not getting verified. I am getting errors like this

Expected CNAME for “e…7.anirudh-agarwal.epizy.com” to match “…sendgrid.net”.

I believe you need custom domain. Free subdomain will not work


Oh! I just want to make my contact form work. Can you suggest the best possible solution for me?

Can you please share the full set of DNS records that Sendgrid needs you to add so we can check if they are set up correctly on our end? Don’t worry, DNS records are not sensitive data.


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