Unable to login

please help admin… my account name: epiz_30106942

The username adminmrt is not registered on this site. If you are unsure of your username, try your email address instead.

I can’t get into my admin panel. can you help me?

What admin panel? The admin panel of your website, or the control panel at cpanel.epizy.com?


Have you tried using your email as it suggests (if that is an option that works for the admin panel, of course)?


Googling the error message tells me that “my admin panel” refers to a WordPress admin.

Please be more clear about that next time, @BZM2022, because there are a LOT of different systems that could potentially be considered “my admin panel”.

If you installed WordPress through Softaculous, you may be able to regain access to the admin area from there.

But in any case, you can always reset the admin password through the database:


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