Unable to connect to FTP

I am unable to connect to ftp. I am using Filezilla client and the login credentials as mentioned in the cpanel namely ftp host name, ftp user name, and ftp password https://app.infinityfree.net/loginich is the random generated password, port no 21. I tried switiching off the firewall on my laptop. But the results have been same.

Hi and welcome to the forum

Judging by your ISP this can help

if the above doesn’t help - please send us the full log and paste it here


Try investigating using the online file manager, if it successfully load up, the issue of FileZilla is likely on your end, if not, the issue is likely on InfinityFree (or to be exact, iFastNet)'s end

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The online drag and drop works. I am behind a NAT with dynamic IP from my ISP. I have to purchase a static IP and enable FTP on my router. Thanks for the useful info.


You don’t need a static IP to use FTP. Passive FTP works reasonably well behind NAT, especially when the router that does the NAT is properly configured to handle FTP connections. You may want to poke around your router settings to see if there are any FTP related settings there.

And NAT and static/dynamic IPs are not strictly related. You can have a dynamic IP without NAT and a static IP with NAT.

Looking at the screenshot you shared, it seems like FileZilla is unable to connect to the FTP server at all. That doesn’t seem like a NAT issue or a dynamic issue at all, it seems more like a firewall or something like that blocking access to our FTP server. That could either be caused by something like a parental control filter on the router or a virus scanner mistakenly considering our FTP server to be malicious.

You could try to connect to FTP from a different device and/or different network to see if that works.


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