Website URL

(please specify the URL of the site on which you are experiencing the problem)

Error Message

error 403

Other Information

Why do I get this error when trying to acces my site

Welcome to the forum. What URL are you trying to get to?

Maybe this article should help:

@solace-ken, the URL is the blue text that encloses the template’s (please specify the URL of the site) text.


Got it. Thanks. I was looking for an https:// or http:// URL.

Sorry, facemash, I didn’t actually click on the link. I see the 403 error now.

Try uploading a plain HTML page to your directory that has nothing in it. Like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>

If it works, then something in your page is causing the error. Start commenting out stuff (like external Javascripts, CSS files, etc.) until you find the thing which is causing the error.

You can do HTML comments like this:

<!-- This is commented out -->

@solace-ken, that’s not going to help. HTTP 403 errors are generally not triggered by frontend code.

@facemash, please see this article as JxstErg1 also suggested:


Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it.


This didnt work thanks for taking your time though


I dont have any censored things i now just have one page called index.html with nothing inside of it cause of testing



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When I go to your URL I just get redirected to the “Suspended” page. This might be related to the backend server issue they were fixing? I will check again in a few hours.


Hey ive notices that is now because i deactivated and reactevated website should be up if u can just check in a few minutes u can see my original issue

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The website is back online nothing in there except index.html same error

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Yup. I still see the 403 error. Do you have a file or folder named “chat” anywhere in that directory? (example: chat.php or livechat)? Do you have a word which contains the word “chat”? Like “chatter” or “Chattanooga”?

Also look for a folder named “includes” – those are not allowed. You have to rename it something else. The fix for this is simple: do not use the folder name includes for anything that’s supposed to be accessed by browser. Instead, put such pages in a folder pages , functions , actions or a folder with any other name.

If you have a file named .htaccess in there – remove it or rename it something like “old.htaccess” while testing. Try to have just 1 folder named htdocs and inside of that just have one file – index.html that’s it. No other files or folders. Then test again in your browser.

Hey so i deleted .htacces and now it shows the exect same error but in the actual url can u help or maybe if u haave time take a look at it

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I see that. I looked again. I still see the 403 error.

If you open up “File Manager” and click inside the “htdocs” folder… you see no other files or folders besides “index.html”? Maybe post a screenshot of your htdocs folder?

For example, this is a screenshot of one of the htdocs folder from my site:

there is nothing in the main except a folder called htdocs inside of there it has nothing excpet index.html nothing else is there

That is strange.

I can’t even see your index.html file (I just get 403 error).

The index.html contains just a simple HTML file with no other stuff?

(e.g. nothing mentioning “chat” or “includes”)

If this is the case, then the admin or someone from support with server access needs to take a look. I can’t troubleshoot anything for you on my end. I can’t even see your index.html file. And, I don’t have access to see your account on the server.

You can post the contents of your index.html file by using the “code” button in the forum (the icon looks like this: “</>”

If you paste code between the lines it will show up in the forum like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>

I checked your site, and the entire htdocs folder of your site is missing.

As you can see in the Domains page in the client area, the directory for facemash.66ghz.com is supposed to be facemash.66ghz.com/htdocs.

But if you check your file manager, you’ll see there is no directory facemash.66ghz.com there at all.

To fix this simply create the missing directory. So in the main folder of the account (the one that currently only contains the htdocs directory), create a folder facemash.66ghz.com. And within that folder, create a folder htdocs. Then, upload your files to that new htdocs folder.

The same goes for the other subdomain on your account too. You can just delete the current htdocs folder if you want, no domain name is linked to it anymore so it’s useless.




Error fixed was a error with a folder thank you for your time