This site can’t provide a secure connection

Website URL

Error Message

This site can’t provide a secure connection sent an invalid response.

Other Information

This is a new website, it doesn’t load, I have done the SSL configuration on Cloudflare and the nameservers point to cloudflare.

I don’t see any errors like that on my end. Please note that it can take some time for Cloudflare to do the initial setup of your domain too, I’ve seen their SSL setup take up to 24 hours too.

But it seems to be fixed now, at least from my end. I see a 404 error on your site now.


I think I have deleted some files from the filemanager. How could I reset this?

If you deleted the files you cannot recover them unless you have a local backup


I mean, could I just create a new htdocs and upload the website?

You should be able to, yes. Check the “Domains” page in your account’s client area to make sure the htdocs directory you’re creating is the one your website is linked to (for example, to ensure your website is linked to htdocs and not


I have everything in htdocs not and still the website doesn’t work. What can I do to now? Thanks for your answers.

It looks like you moved in the HTML files of your site, but the assets folder, that contains all the images, stylesheets and scripts, still appears to be missing.

Can you please make sure that ALL website files are uploaded to the htdocs folder?


Yes I also got these errors: ERROR UPLOAD FILE: htdocs/assets/js/svg-map.js
Error: Can’t open that file: No such file or directory

How can I get the assets file back?

You need to upload them from your computer


I uploaded the site again. I think it works now with secure SSL. Could you confirm it as well? Is it working for you too?

Thank you for your responses.

Works fine for me:


Thank you! It’s fixed!


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