The selected custom domain is already in use on InfinityFree

Username (e.g. epiz_XXX) or Website URL

I dont have and epiz username as the website will not register but my e-mail is “[email protected]

Error Message

The selected custom domain is already in use on InfinityFree. Please remove the custom domain from your other account at InfinityFree before you can add it to a new account.

Other Information

I own the domain “” but i believe someone had this before me please could you check where this account is active and shut it down as it belongs to me and I want to host this website

As suggested in other similar topics , i have added CNAME record that points to “gabriele verification infinityfree net"

@Admin can you please help me with this issue?

I suggested using the gabriele subdomain once to a person called Gabriele. I chose that name because that would allow that person to verify themselves as the domain owner, rather than some InfinityFree user setting a CNAME to a common token. Then other people assumed that since Gabriele should use the record “gabriele”, that “gabriele” was the magical verification name that everyone should use. That’s not the case, and was never my intent. But the misunderstanding lives on.

Here is the original case for those curious.

In any case, in this case it seems you already created a client area profile with an email address on your own domain. That profile already has three hosting accounts, one of which hosts that subdomain. Please login to that account yourself.

Noting the other account, please remember that the limit is 3 free hosting accounts per PERSON. Creating multiple client area profiles to create more hosting account is not allowed.

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