
3 hesabım askıya alındı ve ihlal olduğu söylendi bunun düzeltilmesini arz ederim.

Translated by the moderator

3 of my accounts were suspended and I was told that there was a violation, I request that this be corrected.

Please use only English for communication on the forum in the future !

You are going to have to send a support ticket to the staff. We can’t help here.


E gönderin

Can you please write in English? Google Translate is a good help. This is an English-Only Forum.


I said send it to email

Sa turkmusun

Yardimcisi olayim Dan ticket ac


Yukarida kirmizi bir buton var “Create support Ticket” diye tikla ona mesajini yaz, ama ingilizce olsun

@meteoo.12 @fortext

Either you will speak English or we will have to give flags and close the topic !


Ok, he is Turkish, I wrote in Turkish to help him.

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However please note that this is an English forum and all communication must be in English. You are welcome to use online translation tools if you are not fluent in English



Thank you for your understanding.
We have nothing against any language, but we simply have to react because if we allow it once, then others will see that it is “possible” and in the end, the forum will be quite a mess, and we reacted because the two of you continued to communicate and simply ignored two posts in which it is expressly noted that you should use the English language.

btw. nice of you to try to help another user :+1:
And welcome to the forum !


No problem.I really thank you for your understanding.

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