SSL topic and CROS topic


i was on my apple watch and i was going to my website to see if my website page is good on smaller devices, i had putted my link with https and i got an notic that my website is not secure, is Infinityfree SSL secure or what as am with ZeroSSL, and dose infinityfree support all TLS version as here what it says:

TLS 1.3 Enabled
TLS 1.2 Enabled
TLS 1.1 (deprecated) Enabled
TLS 1.0 (deprecated) Disabled

SSL protocol versions

SSLv3 (deprecated) Disabled
SSLv2 (deprecated) Disabled

and am trying to use some apis, it saying an CROS error i forgot what it said.

and is there other way to get SSL not from infinityfree but from another company with out having problems.

I’m not sure why you are having problems with HTTPS on your Apple Watch.

What exactly was the error message you saw?

Yes, TLS support on our servers is exactly as shown there. TLS 1.0 and older are not supported, because they are no longer considered to be secure, and keeping them enabled provides opportunity to downgrade and attack connections.

Again, it would help if you could be a bit more specific.

If you’re trying to host an API on your site with us, you may be running into this issue:

If you’re trying to access an API hosted elsewhere, then any CORS issue is caused by restrictions on the side of the API provider.

We have integrations with different SSL providers. However, these issues are rarely caused by the choice of SSL providers. You’re free to bring your own certificate if you want, but I don’t think it will solve anything.