Website URL

Error Message

SSL certificate error: The provider encountered an error verifying the DNS settings of your domain name. Please double check your nameserver settings and try again later.

Error detail: Error while resolving DNS TXT records for NXDOMAIN

Other Information

I have tried multiple times to request the SSL certificate with the same error. I have waited an hour as advised and requested the SSL certificate several times as well. Every time, the ‘Ready’ sign appeared which is very unusual. The provider is Google Trust. Thanks!

Have you made sure to set up the CName Records?

I got a similar error when I jumped the gun and forgot to set that up


How long has it been since you added the CNAME record for the domain validation?

This sounds like a DNS caching issue to me. If you only just added the CNAME record, the client area may already see the CNAME record, but SSL providers may not yet.

This is normal, and just how DNS works, and the solution is just to try later. And by that I mean an hour or two later.


Yes, I have pressed the Setup CNAME button and after a bit of loading it looked exactly like that with green checkmark.

How recently? It can take a few hours. Honestly, I tend to leave it 24 hours to make sure it works

Ok thanks, I’ll try wait a couple more hours and reset up the CNAME (it seems to have disappeared after the fail and it’s saying CNAME not found now)

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