SSL Not Ready

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It has been 4 hours and still the SSL Not Ready and why is that the status is Draft?
Please help.

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It has been 4 hours and still the SSL Not Ready and why is that the status is Draft?
Please help.

Hi there
Please don’t create multiple topics on a single question.

As it was said in the menu,it can take a few hours before the CNAME record start working.It can take as long as a whole day so you have to be patient,really patient.


Thank you sir. I already deleted the topic that I posted earlier.


  1. You’re not using infinityfree nameservers
  2. Your domain name is a little suspicious…

they already suspended my account, that is why I tried to register with other web hosting services

Check out the rules or your account could get suspended again

It’s an illegal movie stream site. We do not condone illegal activities on our service, and under no conditions will we host a site like that.

Most, if not all, (free) hosting providers prohibit activities such as this. The only difference is whether if or when they’ll find your site and take it down.


Ohh, I am really sorry for that and thank you for informing me what my violations are. How can I delete the account? I want a fresh start, maybe buy and sell site for our local community? Is it ok?

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I think you have to wait 20-60 days for it to be deleted


Sure! You can just create a new account to setup your other site.

The domain will remain locked to the account. But given the similarity to Netflix, I don’t think we want to host that domain anyways.


Thank you so much sir, and again I’m sorry. I will create soon, I’ll look first for a perfect domain that will suit my project.


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