SSL certificate pending

Username (e.g. epiz_XXX) or Website URL

(please specify the website or account you are asking about)

Error Message

We’re currently getting your SSL certificate. Please ensure that the validation checks stay at Ready. We’ll email you when the certificate is ready.

Other Information

My status is set on “Ready”
I’m trying to renew the ssl certificate but I’m getting the error message for two days. I set up the Record Name and Destination in the CNAME of the control panel.
Do I need to wait a bit longer ?

If it says “Ready” on both of the records, you should have the option to copy the keys. If not, can you send a screenshot?

I checked your certificate and it seems like something went wrong with the status synchronization with GoGetSSL. It was identified before in this topic:

It looks like the same thing happened here but it’s not entirely clear why this happened. I’m adding more debug logging now.

Meanwhile, your certificates have been synced and are ready.

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