Someone Hacked my site!

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Some random group from the Netherlands hacked into my Forums, and posted Ch*** P*** links to my Forums. FOR LEGAL REASONS, I was required to remove the Ch*** P*** posts, but in the process, I think I deleted the posts containing evidence needed to report them. I know that InfinityFree doesn’t keep backups, but I would like to know what I should do if something like this happens again, so I don’t get in trouble by InfinityFree nor the Law.

Thank you.

Change your password, turn on 2FA. You are responsible for the content on your website, no matter how it got there.


The 1st you must know how the hacker can attack your site (check log server, scan PC virus etc…)
The 2nd is: backup system, update software, rewrite firewall rule, fix the bug, change password…
The 3rd is : What is “Ch*** P***” mean ?

Child P***

Not saying the rest.

Also, I figured out where the hacker attacked my site [Fatal Flaw in Login: DB missing or locked, ignoring] which I fixed, but I want to know,

Like, do I report it to IF for an investigation, do I report it to local authorities, do I delete it and move on…

Depends on local laws.

But you will be held responsible for it if it is found on your account, and it is probably illegal in your jurisdiction to have it on your computer.

I’m not a lawyer nor am I providing you legal advice. Consult a lawyer or legal professional.


My suggetions in this case is: Call the police ! Provide the data you have to them and wait the result.

You could indeed report it to the police. But I’m not sure what the police is like where you’re from, but here the police is not able to investigate all reports, and they might not be able to do anything about it.

Especially if you know how they were able to hack your website, the key thing you should do is plug the hole, and take any other action you can think of that could help protect your site from being hacked again. That’s a far more effective approach than reporting it to the police.

Are you sure the group is from the Netherlands? Note that the Netherlands is popular country for datacenters, and it’s possible that the hackers are only using servers/proxies/VPNs in the Netherlands to perform their attacks, while being located on the other side of the planet.


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