SOLUTION: WordPress Critical Error after updating it

Isn’t it unpinned?

Seems to be

Yup I guess Admin has unpinned it.

Now pinned.



Hi all!
Here’s something I added right now.

WordPress 5.5 is now available in Softaculous. That means that new installations can be created on this version right away, and existing installations managed through Softaculous can be easily updated to this version.


Wow great.
No more worries. Well I will keep this topic preserved for future, in case it gets delayed again :slight_smile:


Many sites can’t be updated from Softaculous, so there are still sites which have to be updated manually.

iFastNet also pushed some changes to the free hosting servers which should improve the odds of the one click updater working successfully. I haven’t verified those yet myself.


I think I joined the party a bit too late?

As long as WP 5.6 isn’t yet released, you aren’t late :slight_smile:


about how much time does it take to connect to WordPress database?
because i have clicked on phpmyadmin and then i have clicked on “connect now” and it is still loading…

Server maybe down that time, try again?
If still the problem persist, then improve your network :slight_smile:

1 Like is my website name,
I am facing critical issue in my website earlier I followed the instruction through email as they told me to change WP_DEBUG to true. but still, I am facing the issue,
My website is not opening since I started back up of it, and updated my wordpress I don’t know what kind of issue is this but please check it out I delete recently the “All in One WP Migration” plugin files from the file manager in hosting, but there isn’t anything positive response.

We never recommend using backup plugins for any kind of backups. Use FileZilla Instead.


I just enabled Display Error on your site to see the following error:

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function wp_unregister_GLOBALS() in /home/vol11_2/

This seems like a classic case of a corrupted installation. Please follow the instructions from the original post to fix this.


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