Softaculous "SquirrelMail"

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i am getting a error 500 code. please help

I’ve tried to use this script before and to me it seemed outdated even for PHP 7.4 (most servers now have 8.2). Also, the script may not work well here because most IMAP functions are disabled.


Ok, thankyou so much! But what about OpenNewsletter?

is it the same problem?

Does it also give you an HTTP Error 500?


no i dont.

Are you facing an issue with it? If so, can you share more details?
If not, and you’re just asking, I’d suggest trying it out and seeing whether it works or not. We can’t know for sure if we don’t try it out; but given the last update seems to have been in 2016, I’m not very hopeful.


i did not mean to press enter, but i do not get a error code at all, im guessing i do get 500

more helpful than me, and no

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Can you share a screenshot of the error you are having with OpenNewsletter?


sure why not, Welp why did i get 403 now?

The URL returns a 403 Forbidden error because the htdocs/mail/ directory is empty. I don’t know where you’ve tried to setup your site, but it’s not there.

I also don’t see an OpenNewsletter installation in Softaculous for your account. There is a SquirrelMail installation in for the mail folder, but if the files are missing for some reason, then the software cannot work of course.


ok thakyou, i redownloaded it and i got a http error code 500

ok, i got the error:

oh nvm, bug fixing is annoying and i dont know php that well, I made it where i could see the login page but after that it was confusing sorry

That error message is basically as clear as you can get. It means that the PHP code is using syntax that’s no longer available. We’ve been upgrading our servers from PHP 7.4 to PHP 8.2 recently, and I suspect that the software you installed is simply not compatible with PHP 8.2.

I suspect that SquirrelMail is just too old. cPanel also recently dropped it as an option and only offers RoundCube as a webmail client now.

Also, please note that the IMAP module and functions are not enabled on our hosting, which may impact your ability to setup webmail software, even if you only intend to use it to send messages.


ok thank you, i got ‘OpenNewsletter’ to show but probably has the same problem

Have you tried Squirrelmail’s latest snapshots (1.4.23) or the development version? According to the authors it should support PHP 8: SquirrelMail - Webmail for Nuts!

OpenNewsletter likely doesn’t, as the last update was in 2016, so you’d have to fix it yourself.

What do you wish to do, exactly? Perhaps we could recommend some other alternatives, or tell you whether it is supported on the hosting in the first place.


easy, i want to have a service in which you can call or email my fathers carpet cleaning company because he does not have much experience with technology. So i want to make it simple and light-weighed

“I suspect that SquirrelMail is just too old. cPanel also recently dropped it as an option and only offers RoundCube as a webmail client now.” sorry i a new to cPanel, i dont see anything about webmail?