Site not reachable (error ftp)

Redirects to 404 page

I was taking backup via FTP. It gave 80% error and closed. Currently I cannot access the files from the panel or the FTP program.

Please provide ftp logs


However, I do not receive any errors from the program. The site itself is not working. online manager does not work either

Are you sure you’re not suspended? When a web hosting account is suspended the ability to use site itself, as well as FTP access, are both disabled until the account is unsuspended.


I am sure. Can I delete this account and get the same domain name again? I think there is a bug in the system

I’m not sure if there is a bug in the system or a problem with your account. So while you’re welcome to remove the domain from your account and create a new account, I really don’t think it will fix anything.

Also, when moving to the new account, you’ll probably also want to bring your website over. Which means you need to be able to download your website from your old account first. And if I understand your message correctly, that’s exactly the thing that’s not working.

So I think it’s better to investigate a bit more into what this FTP issue you’re having could be.

Which FTP client are you using? What happens at this 80% mark? Which error does it give you? And what do you mean it “closed”, did your FTP client crash entirely?

Please explain what you’re seeing in detail.

And to be clear: don’t bother trying this with the online file manager, it’s pretty much guaranteed to break if you try to backup your entire website with it. You have to use a desktop FTP client like FileZilla to do this.


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