Site is not loading all i can see is a blank white page this is the link to the site. the 72 hour period is over but still no changes .

Looks good to me.



it doesnt load anything on my side ,Its just a blank page. and mine redirects the link to
how to solve it?

It’s probably your cache.

Clear you browser’s cache
or try to open the website using another browser
or open the website using a incognito/anonymous browser tab.


it didnt work. I tried clearing dns cache as well as cookies from browser.

Try using a phone on a cellular network. Your ISP may also be caching.

It seems to be the same issue as this topic:

That said, looking at your domain name, I would like to remind you that file hosting and file sharing sites are not allowed on our hosting. Please don’t host such things here or we will be forced to terminate your services.

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file hosting is NOT allowed. Your domain name sounds like a file hoster, which is against The TOS

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