Send Emails for Free with Brevo (formerly Sendinblue)

This tutorial would show you how to send emails with Brevo (formerly Sendinblue). You can create unlimited emails and send up to 300 emails per day.

Brevo (formerly Sendinblue) is an SMTP server that sends email for applications. You can send up to 300 emails/day with Brevo. Even though it says they will add Brevo branding on their site, that is only if you use their email marketing tool and not their SMTP service.

  1. Create an account with Brevo (or sign in with google)

  2. Go to profile and senders and IP, go to domains and add one. Follow the instructions for the DNS records and add them to your domain name. NOTE: Make sure you only have one spf record. If you are using Cloudflare, have your record be something similar: v=spf1 mx ~all

  3. When verified, go to profile and SMTP and API. Create a new SMTP key (name it whatever you want) and keep it in a safe place.

  4. Go to your mail provider. In this example I am using gmail.

  5. Go to Settings < Accounts and Import.

  6. Add another email address in Send Mail As.

  7. Enter the email address you want to send email from and leave everthing in default.

  8. For SMTP server, enter: For port, do: 587. For username, do your Sendinblue username or email. You can find all the details here: Brevo. The password is the SMTP key you created.

  9. For the verification, check the verification email to your inbox and follow the instructions.

VOILA, you have a free email address with a generous limit and sending (sendinblue) capabilities.

Note: If you want Wordpress to send mail via SMTP, you can install WP Mail SMTP. Enter an email address with the domain you verified (can be any) and create and enter an API address: Brevo.

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Enter the email address you want to send email from and leave everthing in default.??? WHICH EMAIL ADDRESS DOES IT NOT CREATE A NEW EMAIL.?

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The email address you want to send mail from. It can be any address you want, as long as it ends with @<your domain name>. You can use info@<your domain>, contact@<your domain>,<your domain>, or anything else.

You may want to choose an address you’ve set up to receive email with though. You can do the email receiving with any provider of your choice, and the author of this guide has written a guide to receive email with Cloudflare.


Hi thanks for the reply :
so you are saying that first, I have to create a custom email for my domain ([email protected]) in Cloudflare for only receiving emails. And then should this process to setup the Sendinblue account by which from the last step the google verification will be sent to the email ([email protected]) I created in Cloudflare for receiving. Am I right?? ALSO, TELL ME IF I HAVE TO SEND MESSAGES USING [email protected] where should I send those? I can’t send from the Gmail account to which it is linked, right?? so where??

2023-04-02 09 26 57

No, I’m not saying that.

  • You can choose to also setup email receiving on your domain name, but you don’t have to.
  • You can choose to setup email receiving on the same email address you want to send from, but you don’t have to.
  • You can choose to use Cloudflare to receive email when sending email with Sendinblue (or any other email provider you want to send with), but you don’t have to.

I said “you may want to”. That means it’s optional.

I don’t know, I’ve never used Sendinblue myself. Some email providers only do domain verification, others do email address verification. If Sendinblue does sender verification, then yes, you need to have email receiving configured first. If they only do domain verification, you don’t need to be able to receive email to send email.

It’s email. You send messages to the people/addresses you want to send messages to. And if you don’t know what to send or to whom to send it, then ask yourself why you are trying to set up email sending in the first place.

I see you’ve already clicked the “Learn more” link. What was not clear to you about that article?

Also, please note these articles are written by community members as a courtesy offer to our users to help them improve their online presence. These articles are typically guides for third party software and services. We cannot make any guarantees about the quality or availability of these third party offerings or guarantees about the accuracy of our guides. When in doubt, please contact the provider of the service for more information, because nobody on this forum has any kind of authority regarding these services.


What about DKIM TXT records? I’m trying to set up an email account I signed up with third party , Have updated the MX records and SPF records. Just couldn’t find the DKIM TXT records.


DKIM records are not supported on free hosting. If you have a custom domain, you can use an external DNS provider like CloudFlare.


Smtp2go offers CNAME Record setup for DKIM records, which makes it compatible with free hosting. And its free too


But it is only for outgoing email?

Yes it is out going.

You can use Cloudflare Email Forwarding for incoming ones, it has no conflicts


Yes i tried using my infinity registered Domain on Coudflare but it keeps prompting me to ensure it is not a sub domain. Strange as its definitely not a sub domain?! Ugh…can’t even get pass this stage…

Infinityfree doesnt provide domain registration services, the domain you got will be a subdomain.

If you need to receive incoming emails with an infinityfree subdomain i recommend using ImprovMX


Take note Sendinblue is now known as Brevo