Restore Website Crypto

TOS means Terms of Service. Here they are for your convenience:


this website is not fraud or scams to crypto. Just information and that’s it.

Yes, but any crypto-related website is prohibited.


is there any option then to ask for help just to make aktive my website and then will transfer hosting provider as I did for sashamaltese website to cloudflare

Hi @SashaMaltese,

From your screenshots, both sets of files refer to different things, the action-scheduler are core file of WooCommerce and should simply exist on the web server. The following screen captures from FileZilla are cached cron files which were meant to execute using cron jobs. However cron jobs do not exist, so they’ll simply pile up.

To solve your case, follow my previous guidance in disabling plugins using the rename folder method, and then enable all plugins except for all-in-one-seo and WooCommerce to see if this at least activates your site first. You can then deal with content issues or migration issues later on.

Meanwhile, since crypto content is not allowed here as @Greenreader9 pointed out, and what you would like to achieve is to share knowledge only, I suggest you go with the technical blockchain topic rather than dealing with the financial cryptocurrency topic.

You might be able to slightly mention the cryptocurrency use case on blockchain technology and then purely technical discussions and analysis on the decentralization nature, hashing algorithms, immutability and non-repudiation design, which I think won’t violate TOS as long as what you post is not financially tied.

(I’m not staff, what they say should prevail)



This is Admin’s reply


No, please read the TOS. It’s quite clear. Crypto websites are not allowed. Period. The blockchain network is crypto. It is not allowed.


What should I do then? Infinityfree won’t be hosting provider after I fix the issues, coz I will transfer dns to Cloudflare.

The problem stills happens after I rename plugins to x-plugins and no dashboard at all but I just delete cache plugins and also the ones with problems, like google analytics, seo, 10web optimizer etc. Now after renaming plugins it shows this problem, as in picture and the site there is wrong,

I see this


the correct domain is

I use to have that, but I changed to this HOw to fix this website?

That’s not how it works. Cloudflare just does DNS management and website caching. You’ll still need hosting to host your website. There is Cloudflare Pages and Cloudflare Workers, but seeing how you’re building a site with WordPress, those are not going to do it. appears to be redirecting to Did you already update your website’s site URL in WordPress?


so here this is site will be banned? I should go to another hosting provider or what?

You cannot host crypto websites here. So unless you are going to change your sites content, then no, you can’t host it here.


Please follow the instructions carefully. There are two ways to change the site URL, and you took the instructions from one method and placed it in the config file of the other method.


Yes but I don’t get the first method which I want to use, I want to make modifications to wp-config but where to place those codes. Please tell me for the website which is banned after it will work? If so, I will try to get another host and not trying to fix it here.


answer is


define( 'WP_HOME' , '' );

define( 'WP_SITEURL' , '' );

Where to put those?