Renewing free SSL certificate

My website URL is:

What I’m seeing is:

SSL certificate error: Let\s Encrypt encountered an error verifying the DNS settings of your domain name. Pleaes try again later.

I am trying to renew my SSL certificate but it shows me the above message.

I’m using this software:

Let’s encrypt free SSL

What shall i do to renew my SSL ?
It expires in 6 days.

Like the message says: try again later. You may have more luck in a few hours.

This issue is caused by a technical issue in the free SSL setup. We’re aware of it, and are doing our best to fix it:


I tried again and again. Have you fixed it because Friday i am having my radio show on my site and it’s the day my SSL expires?

Check your DNS record if it is perfect than just request for SSL certificate.
You can also avail SSL certificate by cloudflair in control panel, cloudflair is partner of infinity.

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We have identified and fixed one of the malfunctioning nameservers, but that doesn’t seem to have helped sufficiently. We’re still working on this.


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