Receiving Message from external via POST Request not working

Website URL


Error Message

This site requires Javascript to work, please enable Javascript in your browser or use a browser with Javascript support

Hey there, Can you tell me what type of browser you are using?

From my end, it’s working fine except for the error message shown in the image. Your error message is saying that you’ve disabled Javascript in your web browser. You can check whether your Javascript feature is disabled or not in your browser settings. If it doesn’t, please provide more details about the error message (Like a screenshot).

Hi. I didn t use browser. I used powershell from my laptop to send a message to that url. The url (receive.php) should intercept the message and save it on a .txt file.

I think you have anti bot javascript set in place. How do I disable that?

Yes, this is a result of the security system:

You cannot, at least on free hosting. If you require this functionality, you can consider upgrading to a premium plan, or looking for a different hosting provider.


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