Proc_open in php.ini

Error Message

Attempted to call function “proc_open” from the global namespace.
[Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Error\UndefinedFunctionError 0]

Other Information

Installing the latest PrestaShop version from the Softaculous installer, throws me the error above when I try to finalize a purchase or perform other tasks, and Prestashop support tells me that I need to enable proc_open in php.ini for it to work, do I need to know if you can help me with this?

It’s not possible to enable that on free hosting as shell access is disabled. Is it a warning you can bypass?


I could modify some pages to bypass the error, but I wouldn’t send email, something I can do with Prestashop version 1.6, thanks

Is this function used for email sending? I’m not sure why PrestaShop would need to use system commands to send email. But I can tell you that if you want to send email, you’ll need to configure an external SMTP server in PrestaShop, because we don’t provide email with our hosting.

You can use any SMTP provider you want. There are some email providers with free tiers, but even a simple Gmail account can be used.

From what I can find online, you should be able to find the email settings in your Prestashop interface under Advanced Parameters → Email.