Problems with ssl certificate and gtmetrix

hello everyone. I’ve been sick and haven’t logged on to my PC these days. I shut everything down.


Thanks for the reply.

I agree with your view of resource utilisation.

When you say “…install the Elementor blocks plugin …” what plugin are you referring to in particular? I’m using them to see which ones work best for me

p.s. then with the astra theme, as it is the free one and does not allow me to make many changes to the header, I installed “elementor Header & footer Builder” plugin

It’s all a bit new to me as a beginner, and I’m slowly trying to understand.

So thank you for your answers and suggestions

I would like to be able to put on a page a kind of grid of articles with the possibility above these articles to choose the category of the articles you want to read.

Example: a cooking blog with a category of articles: First courses, Second courses, Side dishes, Desserts. I would like to place these entries above the articles to allow the choice of reading

and then I would like to make specific site pages then:

First Dishes page and below all the first course articles.

Then another page Second Dishes and underneath all the articles from Second Dishes

and so on

Hi mr.filco,

With this I mean other plugins that are not Elementor itself, but plugins that introduce or offer additional building elements to the editor. I didn’t specifically call out names as it’s a group of plugins (that competes each other)

This one is actually quite good and I would also recommend it if you need.

What you need is a theme that is optimized for articles and blog sharing, you can use the existing WordPress Posts feature to achieve this, alternatively if you would like to make use of Elementor building feature, create pages or make custom post types and enable Elementor support on those.


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As they compete with each other, I am trying them out to see which one is right for me. I’m realising that each one offers some particular functionality, now it’s up to me to figure out which one.

Why did you say you didn’t like the Royal Elementor Addon?

Obviously it will be based on your experience of using it, but to understand.

Essential addon is widely downloaded and used

thank you for your reply

Hi mr.filco,

Actually, WordPress plugin is a ~(failed)~ separate software competition market, as plugins have to be open-source yet be as mutually exclusive as much against each other. Therefore plugins will attempt (although not admitting) to code in a way that may clash with another plugin or at least show targeted ads toward users of another plugin. Obviously, this has nothing to do with “enhancing site administration” or “providing additional functionality”.

I suggest deciding based on what you actually need (a question for yourself), rather than getting attracted by plugin intros, like 500x more elementor blocks for your choice, yet having most of it not used in the website but installed on the server. You website will be slow as hell if there are too much of this kind of “bloat” as they tend to spend runtime detecting this an that rather than actually serving the content.

Simply a poorly coded plugin that causes numerous issues in PHP, with the server quite wealthy-resourced. Not sure the Royal have something to do with it but that’s a name I remembered not to use.

My recommended list (Elementor specific):

  • Elementor Header & Footer Builder
  • Starter Templates
  • Connect Polylang for Elementor

This one is good to have, here’s my “so-far-so-good list in relation to Elementor” before I started coding my own blocks. I used sfsg instead of recommendations because they are not towards that rank but are still of good quality, certain features are meaninglessly integrated like block switches, which makes no sense. Why would I install the blocks but turn them off and not use them? Why?!.

  • Premium Addons for Elementor
  • Essential Addons for Elementor

The “bad list” as of last used, most of the plugins on this list straight out break the entire site structure and make the site a heck ton slower by minutes per page, or is flooding the admin panel with ads everywhere. Remember, the server has at least 4GHz processing power and a heck ton of more than 64 GB RAM with NVME SSD assigned so there’s no way it’s as slow as that. The reference ad toleration per plugin is 2 per plugin per page, which is way more lenient than an average user.

  • Qi Addons For Elementor
  • Happy Addons for Elementor
  • Royal Elementor Addons and Templates
  • The Plus Addons for Elementor

There is also one that is quite questionable as it went as far to compete with Elementor Premium and offered the “Template” block which is good, but with very questionable coding ethics by hindering its competitors using CSS and moving every other block (including Elementor ones) to the bottom. There’s a reason that this plugin does not get listed when you simply search for the keyword “Elementor” but appears exclusively when you type “xpro” the former name of this.

  • 130+ Widgets | Best Addons For Elementor – FREE

The way they achieve the anti-competition practise is that they hijack the Elementor loading process and take over the block listing mechanism, do not alter things just yet, then assign a display flex order CSS attribute to their own blocks and place themselves on top. Trivially achieved, but as a user, I would like to ask some questions there, especially with their homepage design. Oh yes, this one also ad floods.


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thank you for your reply.

what does sfsg mean?

I’m realising that actually of all the performance that the various plugins can offer, then you only take advantage of a few. That’s true. But as for slowing down the server, if one can see that a plugin only exploits one part of its functionality, is it possible to deactivate the other functionalities to save resources?

I think I understand what you wrote. And that’s a really bad thing…

I will try to exploit Essential elementor Addon.

I’d like to have a customised article grid, or I should have a closer look at the astra Pro themes to see if there are any that have a layout I like better.

At the moment I like the grid of royal elementor plugin because of the possibility to put filters to select items to be displayed according to categories.

But I could think about using Essential elementor addon with a search form at the top, not the same as with royal elmentor, but at the moment this I understand

So out of curiosity do you exploit the Astra PRO theme, so with a greater variety of templates?

Hi mr.filco

sfsg = so far so good

Exploit is quite the word to use as it implies security issues, what you meant is take advantage of. As for deactivating partially, you’ll likely need to deal with code, at which point I would have coded the whole thing.


In the meantime I’ll not be purchasing anything WordPress as I already have the ability to code the whole website. Buying a design that is limited to WordPress isn’t something that I would go for.

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Thank you for your reply.

the term ‘exploit’ was provided to me by deepl

yes I meant take advantage, use resources

kudos for your knowledge

hi, but so following the reasoning, if I buy Elementor Pro and see that it has the features that I need that I’m currently testing with plugins, all the possible slowdowns from these plugins might not be there?
So having a more agile site, which uses less resources

Hi mr.filco,

Not necessarily the case, Elementor coding isn’t as tidy and I never find WordPress plugins worth the value of paying as they are all subscription-based while providing something that does not fundamentally require a subscription. You might as well save that money on buying a better hosting instead. If you can get that feature using a free plugin, use that plugin instead of purchasing a paid one. Using just one won’t hurt as much.



thank you for replying

yes indeed with the web very often there are subscriptions to pay.

OK, I’ll keep testing and see what I can do using as few plugins as possible

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