
You’re complicating things unnecessarily

millions of websites use sitemap files and it works here

I don’t know why you even use .htaccess because of sitemap.xml like
AddType application/xml .xml

the server takes care of that

Simply upload sitemap.xml to the root of the website (immediately in htdocs) and submit the correct URL for the sitemap file to GSC

no FileType, rewrite, etc. is necessary

It doesn’t even make much sense (cache or not), because those three links in your sitemap lead to pages that you will never edit ( terms, privacy, contact)
nor will there be a need for the crawler to come there every day to see what new content is.



when you post any code on the forum
wrap it at the beginning and end with this ```


or select it and press this button


And always make an extra line/space when you put pictures

because if it is not there, the forum cannot understand what is the picture and what is the rest of the text, so the pictures are not visible on the forum


that is not the correct name

dot must be at the beginning

.htaccess not htaccess.

Probably a large part of the problem is because your htaccess file was never executed because you named it wrong


Ah…Arabic letters sometime convert from left to right. Arabic people write from right to left and that is the reason why their browsers sometimes have the dots ¿ upside down ¿

Not just a browser - see my post above where the uploaded content on the server is shown and how the htaccess file is named


Ah, I see, and you see, he is editing the code on his mobile phone, the keyboard and editor tools of his phone has reverse upside down character.

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