Problem with starter templates in wordpress

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Error Message

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when I install the starter templates plugin the pages dont use double quote properlye

example in a div the attribute class=“"uagb-ifb-content"”>

that makes the page is not well rendered

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En el hosting de Infinity Free, puede que la configuración de magic_quotes o las directivas relacionadas con el manejo de cadenas estén causando problemas. Sigue estos pasos:

  1. Crea un archivo phpinfo.php para revisar la configuración de PHP:
  • Crea un archivo llamado phpinfo.php en el directorio raíz del sitio.
  • Añade el siguiente contenido:



  • Accede al archivo desde tu navegador ( y verifica:
    • Que la versión de PHP sea compatible con WordPress (7.4 o superior).
    • Que magic_quotes esté desactivado (aunque debería estarlo en versiones recientes de PHP).
  1. Si no tienes control sobre estas configuraciones, contacta al soporte de Infinity Free para confirmar que no hay restricciones que afecten la correcta interpretación de las cadenas.

Website URL

(please specify the URL of the site on which you are experiencing the problem)

Error Message

Las páginas de starter templates con Astra no se renderizan correctamente

(please share the FULL error message you see, if applicable)

Other Information

(other information and details relevant to your question)

“Astra starter template pages are not rendering correctly”

Try uninstalling at reinstalling the theme. Is it just the one template thats causing the problem? Or is it all pages you create on your wordpress?

This post might be worth a read:

First of all, please don’t create multiple topics about the same issue. Please understand that this is a community forum, we cannot guarantee that you’ll get a reply within X hours, and not getting a reply in 12-13 hours doesn’t mean that we forgot about your topic.

And even if you do think we forgot about topic, just reply to the topic to bring it back up the list. In any case, please do not create a second topic.

Secondly, please note that this is an English language forum, so please write your messages in English. Feel free to use machine translation if you’re not confident in your own English language skills, but please don’t expect us to do the same just to be able to read your message.

I’m not sure why you included all that information about magic_quotes. Magic quotes has been removed from PHP itself since PHP 5.4. We use PHP 8.2, so there is no possible way we could have it.

As for your second question: no, there are no restrictions affecting the correct interpretations of strings. Our servers work like you’d expect any hosting server to work and PHP works like you’d expect PHP to work.


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