after saving the programs (both pic.html and index.html) when i press the buton “bildes” witch leeds to “pic.html” it shows the 404 error. i tried saving again and again. even tried changing directories, to no avail. pls help.
Hi and welcome to the forum! I can access that page just fine, both from the home page and from the direct link; but I’m noticing something wrong while I visit the index of that folder (so the second link you sent): you repeated the folder name which wasn’t supposed to be repeated, and since the MARTA folder inside that folder with the same name is not there, this is what’s causing the error!
After you fixed it, if that still doesn’t work, please clear the browser cache by pressing a few times Ctrl + F5 while viewing your website.
If that doesn’t work (because some browsers are stubborn) then follow these instructions: