Please help with Suspension, my assignment is due tomorrow!

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Hello, so this is kind of a shot in the dark, but I really need my website unsuspended. I was unaware of the hit limitations as I’m very new to web development (my portfolio website was being made as my final assignment) and it was suggested to us to see if we could figure out how to host our website on our own time using a free hosting provider and a CMS like Wordpress (The course is accelerated and there wasn’t enough time to properly teach us about these things)

Long story short, this is my final assignment for the semester, all of the instructors are doing things last minute as well, so I NEED this done by tomorrow at the latest, but I don’t have access to my site until 5pm tomorrow because of the suspension. I’m at a loss of what to do, I can’t afford to upgrade at the moment as I’m in school. If there is ANYWAY for an admin to circumnavigate this JUST ONCE, that would be incredibly helpful
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Welcome to the forum!

I’m sorry to hear that your website was suspended. If the suspension is temporary your website should be up and running within 24 hours. However, if the suspension is not temporary, you will have to create a ticket in the client area (it is a big red button). InfinityFree does not handle suspensions, iFastNet does. And unfortunately, InfinityFree does not make exceptions to suspensions.


If you still have the files locally, make a new hosting account on a new subdomain and upload them there.


It is temporary:

@MaryBean → Temporary suspended accounts cannot be unsuspended for any reason, the 24 hours time period needs to be waited out. In the client area, you can view when the suspension is set to end (Just add 24 hours to the time is was marked as suspended under the “Status History” tab). If the assignment is due before then, talk to your instructor, or do what Anyx suggested above.


I have some of them locally, but my newer updates weren’t pulled down to me system unfortunately. Thank you for the advice though!

Thank you! It is just a 24 hour suspension, but the assignment was due at midnight tonight (for context, it’s an accelerated course, and we were only given like three days to do this final project as the rest of the semester was too full to do it any other time, otherwise I would have started this a long time ago and less last minute). I’m trying to navigate something with my instructor, the deadline is pretty set in stone, but I would hope given all of these variables I will not lose too much in terms of marks because of this.

I’m trying to talk to my instructor about an extension; it was due at midnight tonight (for context, we were only really given 2-3 days to do it, the rubric was only released 3 days ago, so we weren’t really given a ton of time to do it), but given all the variables, I’m hoping it won’t hurt my mark too badly.

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