PHP 8.2 and MariaDB 10.4 upgrades!

I find it surprising that you’d be willing to pay $160 (and four times, at that) for a forum software, but not look for a paid hosting provider. If you do not have a legitimate license, please note you’re violating InfinityFree’s Terms of Service.

PHP version selection is available only in premium hosting.

I don’t think this is needed; from the post it’s clear the poster is on PHP 8.2, and is looking for a way to revert to PHP 7.4.


He only has to pay once i believe “No Limits” may indicate it can be used on unlimited sites

but the point of paying 160 usd for a license but some 20usd/year paid hosting plans are not ideal makes it suspicious is still valid


i have lisances

Well, even in that case, we can’t help you here, because changing your PHP version is not available in free hosting.


I get this message when I try to enter my site Joomla Control Panel or any article page. Other options at Joomla site administration are accesible.
0 Call to undefined function Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\set_time_limit()

Should I assume that it’s about PHP 8 migration and it will be ok again?

Thank you.

Check this post:


because of the features that are not present in php 7.4

I ask all forum members to stick to the topic and to talk exclusively about the PHP upgrade and possible problems with some of the PHP functions and extensions.

Everything else like:
problems with javascript, style, errors 40x, etc. have no place in this topic and will be deleted + flag.


How far is the upgrade to PHP 8.2 for free hosting?

It’s available on a lot of servers already


Sorry, forgot to share the last update.

Last weekend I was told that all but three of all servers have been migrated to PHP 8.2. The remaining servers would be done this week.

I’m not sure if it’s completely done already or not, but if it isn’t, it will be very soon!


waiting for the php 8.2 upgrade, sadly some php end of life PHP: Supported Versions
and some php script once updated support 8 Deprecated errors are getting thown… thank u for the effort to update… hopefully we can test after that

what i meant was some error coming after 8.2 , is there any way to select 8 and test

still on 7.4.8 on the free

Most of the volumes have been upgraded to 8.2 already, you can either wait or migrate your website to another website account which hopefully will have PHP8.2.


PHP version 7.4.8 on the free… i think my scripts need 8 anyway will wait and see

added $conf[‘show_php_errors_on_frontend’] = false; for now seem ok … 7.4 …script people added support for 8 so error get thrown on 7.4…

We don’t offer PHP version selection. Whatever PHP version is installed on the server your account is on is what your account will use.

You can setup a local development environment, using something like XAMPP for example, and set it up with PHP 8.2 to see if your site is compatible. If you’re using off the shelf software, you can also check system requirements information or reports from other users to see if there are any problems with your version and PHP 8, and which version you should upgrade to for PHP 8 support.

The only time you could see Deprecated warnings on your site is if Display Errors is turned on. Which you shouldn’t have on all the time, and only enable temporarily while troubleshooting. Deprecation warnings are not errors, and don’t need to be fixed urgently.


It was literally a whole week before I even realized my testing website here was upgraded to PHP 8.2. I don’t see errors anywhere. php_info becomes 6 lines of text tho.

iFastNet’s wonderful job :slight_smile:


May I ask where can I find a full list of disabled functions in PHP 8.2 here? Thanks.

There are currently no known ways to check it (at least not me)

However, @JxstErg1 scrapped a html archive of the php info before iFastNet overwrote the function

It indicates that the following functions are disabled:

The functions (Click to expand)

phpinfo_php82_ifastnet_free-1.html (91.8 KB)