
Website URL

I was using the service and my antivirus software informed me that the access was blocked due to Phishing? Therefore I wondered if the InfinityFree website is free of phishing software.The location was error.infinityfree (and something else afterwards). Could you check if that location got infected?

Error Message

(please share the FULL error message you see, if applicable)

Other Information

(other information and details relevant to your question)

This error seems to be on the 404 page:

It may have been falsely flagged because a suspected phishing site was redirecting to this page (as all sites hosted on InfinityFree redirect to it when a 404 error occurs, and even though abusive sites are taken down quickly, there’s a chance it was flagged before it was detected and taken down), but there doesn’t seem to be anything you can do on your end to report it as false:

What can I do?

If you’re a visitor of this website
The website owner has been notified and is in the process of resolving the issue.


I’m not getting the 404 error but same issue.

For Avast, you can report this as a false positive here:


Same here!!
I upload the files from my site and the antivirus block the url

Is it safe for use?

Yes, it’s safe for use.
The URL that is being falsely detected is a 404 error page; there’s no login form or anything of the sort, so no phishing could ever occur.

You can override InfinityFree’s default error pages by using the “Error Pages” tool in the control panel, or manually setting the URLs via .htaccess (the “Custom Error Documents” example mentioned in the following community guide):


click here and you will see that it is a 404 URL which @ChrisPAR mentioned

Screenshot 2023-09-21 103118


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