It shows this error while opening Softaculous:
It appears your account has fully used it’s inode allocation, you will need to delete files to reduce inodes before the script installer will work, or upgrade to premium hosting where we offer over 400,000 inodes !
This is a crazy way to solve issues. Changing folder permissions to 775 or even 777 is playing Russian Roulette. I understand you are eager and impatient to start with WordPress, but you should learn from your mistakes instead of randomly trying to get them to go away. Suppose the same message pops-up tomorrow? Then you are in even deeper shit.
This error is caused by misaligned permissions on files and folders.
FIRST you upload the WordPress installation files as ONE user, usually the user you connect with in your FTP- or SSH-client or whatever you use to connect to your server. SECOND, you run the WordPress web-based installation as ANOTHER user. This usually results in files and folders being created as another user (frequently “root”) while being executed as another user (often “www-data” (for Apache 2.x)). Nothing an UNIX statement will not fix in under 3 seconds. I leave it as an exercise to the user to figure this out for him/her-self and experience a valuable and gratifying learning moment.