Page load with error

Website URL


Error Message

Other Information

Yesterday everything worked fine, and today suddenly something like this started to appear :frowning: and unfortunately the result is the lack of most functions

This means you are reaching the daily limits of your hosting account.



Your site works fine for me:

Where exactly are you facing an issue?


Login page yes, because here you don’t need to load script and css files but when I login I get the above error

The counter does not immediatelly update & this section is not where you should be checking.

508 indicates that the server stopped processing requests due to reaching bandwidth limit (i.e when you end up overloading the server)


So where should I check? And as for 508, is it supposed to understand that I used up my daily limit? So what is it like then? And I understand that everything will be fixed tomorrow? But earlier I was doing much more than today and everything was working fine, and today I just made changes to 2 files and something like that?

Today there should be a new daily limit, but unfortunately according to the above speculations that this is a problem but it has not gone away :frowning:

I found this information

I would like to ask the Administration to comment on what this matter is about. Before the recent failure that prevented people using CloudFlare from entering the website, everything was working properly. Now, after the “repair”, the website no longer works properly, I get the above errors after logging in (CodeIgniter 4), and when I want to go directly to the link with the error, I get the following message

This site/page has used all avaialble php / apache processes allowed on free hosting account.
Refreshing the page once the amount of apache / php processes are reduced will cause the site to work
We would recommend upgrading your hosting account at IFastNet Premium hosting accounts , premium hosting accounts have MUCH higher resources dedicated to them.

The 508 error usually means there are too many concurrent processes right now. This will happen every time that there are too many concurrent requests on your account.

If you hit these limits too often in a day, it will result in an EP limit suspension.


Okay, so why did it work properly before? e.g. before the last failure?

I don’t know what happened, but everything is working fine for now. Magic?

Maybe your website wasn’t as busy before, it was more busy yesterday, and not as busy anymore today?


I’m the only one using this site, so I can’t understand what happened :confused:

My guess is internet bots. Spiders, Crawlers, Potentially malicious bots, Scraping bots, etc.


Everything works fine today too, so maybe you’ll write well

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