Ok thanks
I have added there
adding there does not install a ssl.
**Read the KB**.
Ok sure thanks
Seems like you haven’t uploaded.
Had you uploaded your site in askjyotishi.com/htdocs or htdocs folder (If it’s used as main domain instead of addon)?
Does you site include any index file as stated by @Technical.Legendz
Because your site is still showing default homepage. Also, delete default index.html file.
Even after you upload a new index page and delete the default one, it still may show the default one for awhile due to caching. You can try to clear your browser cache.
Thank you so much… I needed to change path for that also. Now works fine
I tried for Free SSL but after getting key and csr it asks for SSL vendor to get certificate . Which vendor provides free SSL certificate? Or it’s not needed?
It’s not free right ifastnet you need to have premium member.
Did you add the CNAME records properly?
Can you give a screenshot of the CNAME Records?
You don’t have any CNAME records currently!
That’s because you need to do the verification yourself.
Just click the domain name and follow the steps from that screen. The system is designed to help you get your domain verified, get your certificate and install it on your account. But you do need to do some manual action for that.
Please check below. I am getting records as below First screenshot is before adding cname when tried to add SSL domain. Second screenshot after adding cname.
You inserted the wrong values in the destination field. Please make sure they are EXACTLY the same as the step 1’s destination field; if not please remove the old records and add the new ones with the records you can find on the destination field of the step 1 page to the destination field of the “CNAME Records” section of the Control Panel.
Yes now it’s showing ready status and I have requested for certificate. It says will be created shortly.
Now it’s showing verified