[NEW] Site.Pro Site Builder Integration

@Yura_poz said:
i didnt mean site.pro i meant cpanel.

So why are you posting it in the SitePro topic instead of creating a new topic for it?

it was just another question for you sinse you already answered one to me… eaujhsoguio0pw

How to add post using sitebuilder
my site is factoria.ml

@Sanket said:
How to add post using sitebuilder
my site is factoria.ml

I belive blog is not supported by Site.pro but you can use Wordpress to acomplish this.
Also your site seems to have a problem with the SSL

What can I get the Pro sitebuilder?


@zahid0406 said:
What can I get the Pro sitebuilder?

zahid0406 | Profile | Fiverr

This is a very old topic, and the SitePro builder definitely isn’t new anymore. In fact, we’re now planning to remove it entirely. So if you just wanted to try the builder and are wondering where it is: it’s not there anymore.

Read more about that here: https://forum.infinityfree.com/discussion/3650/site-pro-is-deprecated-and-will-be-removed-soon