MySQL databases not visible under Dash or Cpanel

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Error Message

There’s no error message that I can find.

Other Information

I installed an app called Arfooo from Softaculous Installer. I let the installer create the database but, I gave it a name: if0_34947824_fresh

If I go to InfinityFree Dash > Softalicious Installer I can see 1 app installed (Arfooo).

If I go to InfinityFree Dash > Accounts > if0_34947824 > MySQL Databases I see nothing listed.


If I go to Accounts > if0_34947824 > Control Panel > MySQL Databases I see nothing

But if I go to Accounts > if0_34947824 > Control Panel > phpMyAdmin I see my database

And I can connect to it via phpMyAdmin and see all my tables.

I can log into my account and see that it’s working correctly. So, the database is loading. I just can find anything under MySQL Databases. Did I break it somehow? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

As far as I know, this is usually caused by a permissions issue in the database. That’s not something you did, it’s a technical error in the Softaculous integration.

To fix this, you can simply go into the MySQL Databases menu and create the database with the same name as the database created through phpMyAdmin. Don’t worry, it won’t delete the contents of your database. But it will result in the domain being added to the databases list.

You can do this through the control panel or through the client area. It doesn’t matter, they use the same code under the hood.


Thanks, I’ll try that.

It worked. Thanks.

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