My website shut down

Hello, are you able to find what error caused that my website is shut down and how can I fix it?
My website

Its just a temporary issue.

And also please read first before posting another topic.

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Hey there,

Please do not open many topics for one issue. There are already more than five topics. Many users had the same problem. This will answer your question:

Hope that I helped

Best Regards,


Or what do you mean by shutdown? Does your website Suspended ?

No his website is not accessible and it it 99% because of the upgrade

Oh, ok, thank you and sorry for that.

Thanks for helping too!

We will just need to wait.

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You are very welcome. Please let me know if theres anything else I can help you with. :slight_smile:

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No, I have only this problem, thank you for the reply. InfinityFree is best :heart:

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