My website shows an HTTP Error 500

Previously, it was 502 Bad Gateway Error.
Now, it is showing HTTP ERROR 500

My Website is on Volume: vol18_1

I am also having the same error.

It was working fine until recently and I didn’t change anything in the PHP script.
I was getting 502 Bad Gateway error yesterday. Now I am getting 500 internal Error.
My website is on Volume vol18_1.
Recently I have resetted password from client area because I was facing issue like too many redirects when I tried to access phpMyAdmin.
Could it cause this?

Please don’t post multiple times about your issue.

Have you activated display_errors and any debug settings as was requested in the post you originally commented on?


Thank you. After enabling display_errors I found that, I could not set the MySQL timezone from the PHP. It says some permission issue like need Super permission. After I commented out that line, it fixed. It was working fine before, don’t know what happened.

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