My website reload but stuck

Please re-read the advice given:

The site works locally on XAMPP. That happens because your local files are correct.
Your hosting files however, are not. Viewing the source (Ctrl + U) of your home.php file, the code seems to get cut off somewhere. Please ensure that your local files and your hosting files are the same (try uploading your files again from the local to the hosting server, or copy and paste the home.php code to ensure it’s the same, but keep in mind it may not be the only file affected).

okey i will reupload the file

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the same error even when i reuploads the files from my local xampp to website

The code is still cut off, so something is definitely wrong.
One URL I was able to see that redirects to 404 is, so one file definitely is missing. Additionally, I viewed another one of your pages and can safely conclude that the reason the preloader never stops is because of the script.js never being loaded in home.php.

The script itself also seems to have some issues, as visiting another page ( yields this error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: Swiper is not defined at script.js:83:14

To me, it seems that some of your files are corrupted. I’m not sure why it works in your local environment; if it isn’t cache and you’ve tried hard refreshing, maybe the files aren’t correctly transferred during upload, or maybe it is an issue with your code. But as it’s PHP code and does not display, I can’t tell for sure.

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PHP code crashing midway the page could mean that there is some PHP code there which crashed. Please try enabling display errors, reload the page and check the page source to find the error message.


this is my discord (ᴘʀᴇᴅᴀᴛᴏʀ :crown:#2050)can i make call with you to do live screen and tell me what shoud i do ?

i just reupload the same file using ftp connection with filezela and the same error happen

i just redownloaded home.php from the infintyfree host to my computer and its the same with the original home.php

how i can do that ?

in your cPanel click this

then this

then this

then reload your website and see whats going wrong


im the same guy who have this error i just reached the daily reply limite in this formu ,im sorry admin i just need to fix this pelase dont ban me im really sorry,this is my discord if any one can help me (ᴘʀᴇᴅᴀᴛᴏʀ :crown:#2050)
i did enable display error in cpanel where i can find the error ?

It’s there in the code:

<b>Fatal error</b>:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method mysqli_stmt::rowCount() in /home/vol1_4/
Stack trace:
#0 {main}
  thrown in <b>/home/vol1_4/</b> on line <b>127</b><br />

You call a method rowCount() which does not exist; looking up online, the MySQLi equivalent is num_rows: PHP: mysqli_stmt::$num_rows - Manual


but why the same files works fine with xampp? can you add me to discord (ᴘʀᴇᴅᴀᴛᴏʀ :crown:#2050) so i can show you live ?

Nobody is going to do that. We don’t get paid to help you, and are simply volunteering. If you are willing to pay me for my time, I’ll help you that way (And I am sure others will too). Please do not continue to post your Discord username, it will be marked as spam

You have your error message: Call to undefined method mysqli_stmt::rowCount()
You have the file name: /home/vol1_4/
And you have the line number: 127

Now all you have to do is open the file and fix the part that’s not working. If you have a specific question, feel free to ask here, but note that googling will probably be faster.

Because Xampp is not a production environment, and has less strict rules. Fatal errors in testing environments may not always stop execution of code. In production environments, they always do.


okey ,but if ire fixed this issue in home.php the other file has defreant issue you can see them
and why its working fine localy ?

I already told you

I am not sure what you are trying to say here

i mean if i delete that line the erro go right ? but i have alot of error in the other file like user_register igot this error ( Warning : mysqli_stmt::execute() expects exactly 0 parameters, 1 given in /home/vol1_4/ on line 25

Warning : mysqli_stmt::fetch() expects exactly 0 parameters, 1 given in /home/vol1_4/ on line 26

Fatal error : Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method mysqli_stmt::rowCount() in /home/vol1_4/ Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /home/vol1_4/ on line 28)

and by the way the same file works fine on 000webshot but i dont like it its so slow

and this one also

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘}’, expecting end of file in /home/vol1_4/ on line 149


yeah i got this error whene i remove the hole error causing at line 127 ,igonna be like that if i fix error i got another error im not sure why ?

Probably because you deleted something like if(){ but did not delete the }


The culprit does not have to be in a particular line
but it can be above or below that line

besides, it’s not enough to remove just one line and that’s how you solved the problem
because all the code that can be below… depends on some parameter, variable, etc. that is defined in that line or above and you deleted it :upside_down_face:

You need to understand the code
or use some IDE