My website php pages are not loading

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I have been working on this website for weeks however when I tried to host it, for some reason only the navbar shows up. I uploaded all the files to htdocs and I have an index file, I also connected my database. I’m not sure what could cause this. If anyone can please help, that will be greatly appreciated.

Your PHP code seems to crash midway. As mentioned in a similar topic:

The advice in this article can help:


So after I enabled display errors, I got the following error.

Fatal error : Cannot redeclare validate() (previously declared in /home/vol19_1/ in /home/vol19_1/ on line 14

The function is not declared more than once in the function.php file, so i’m not sure what causes this issue. If anyone could help, that would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You

Without seeing the code, we can’t help you much.

Can you post it here so we can try to assist you?

Format it this way:
[your code here]

This may also help:


Also check your “require” or “include” statements. If the files you are including in php have a function with the same name or if the file is included multiple times it will throw an error. Maybe use “require_once()”?


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