My Website is Blank

Hello. It has been a few days that my site does not show anything and I only get a white page. It doesn’t show any code even inside the source code. Where is the problem and how can I fix it?

Site url?

Your site seems to throw an HTTP Error 500, please activate “Display Errors”:


Thankful. I did the route and received some errors. But I did not notice the problem. Can you please check again and see where the problem is? Thankful

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This seems to be an issue with your WordPress configuration file.
Going from the error which seems to be looking for a “‘FORCE_SSL_LOGIN’” constant, I believe you may have the same issue as this poster on StackExchange:

Can you check if replacing the quotes around “FORCE_SSL_LOGIN” with ' helps?


Yes, my problem is solved and thank you very much. But it was a strange problem that was created automatically. There were two lines of code in the wp-config.php file as follows:

define(‘FORCE_SSL_LOGIN’, true);
define(‘FORCE_SSL_ADMIN’, true);

I realized that I should use (') instead of (‘). It means like this:

define(‘FORCE_SSL_LOGIN’, true);
define(‘FORCE_SSL_ADMIN’, true);

I think the problem is from the InfinityFree too. Because even here it shows the characters in a model. Although they are different :slight_smile:

Nope, there’s no problem. You just have to use the correct formatting. Code formatting in Discourse (and I think most Markdown processors) uses one backtick ` to start and end an inline code block. To notate a multi line code block, start a new line and type three backticks ``` and then another new line, then your code, another new line and three more backticks.


yes thank you. It is a little difficult to understand. But in general, I am surprised that my site did not have any problems and after a few days it encountered this problem without any intervention or changes. But i resolved it. Thank you

Hello. Suddenly and without having changed anything, my website also went blank.

Hello. I had the same problem and it was solved. Do the steps mentioned above. its gonna be alright. good luck

Can you activate “Display Errors” as well?


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