My web page is partially loading

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Web page is only partially loading. Looks like there is some king of a limit on the size of page. My page is retrieving data from DB. It was working properly for some time. But lately I was informed that only part of data is listed on the page from DB.

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Web page doesn’t show any errors while loading. It just cuts of certain amount of data that it should display from DB. I tried changing order of data queries and displayed list changes accordingly, but always cuts of at certain point the list of data retrieved from DB.

It looks like there is a limit on the size of data a page can contain, or maybe my page is hitting CPU limit and renders only some amount of data from DB and not all.

Please share your experience if you have similar issue.

I see this

Is anything missing? You need to write clearly if you need help


Thank you for you response.

If you click on 2nd, 3rd or 4th button, it only loads partial data.

Here is direct link to the 2nd button:

Basically page displays only data for 2022 year even though DB call returns data for all years from 2022 to 2003. Looks like the page hits some king of limit at the back end at the time of processing and transmits to the browser only partial listing.

I was working properly last year, and without any modifications to the PHP code this issue started occurring few months ago. Initially I thought it might have been a bug and I did try changing data queries and order of data display. Every time, page displays certain amount of data, and lists and sub-lists get cut off at some point.

When I change order of display of data, different year displays, but lists do get cut-off.

Now, I am thinking that some new limitations might have been implemented by InfinityFree platform for size of displayed page.

To be more specific. This page displays only statistical data, basically just numbers. But the list items are expandable with sub-lists, and sub-sub-lists. Four levels of sub-lists. So amount of statistical data piles up.

If I decrease level of sub-lists to 2, than more data is displayed in the 1st level list. And so forth…

This is what page displays now. Only year 2022 with three additional levels of sub-lists.

When I comment out 4th level of sub lists, which effectively decreases amount of data contained in the page. The 1st level list displays completely all years from 2022 to 2003, and the 2nd level expandable sub lists display ok.

Did InfinityFree implement some new limitations lately, that I am not aware of?

Viewing your page’s source code through my browser, I can see it ends abruptly and never loads the entire content. This seems like a PHP error to me.

Can you activate Display Errors and see what comes up?


Thank you for your input ChrisPAR!!

It was my fault and a bug in my PHP code.

For the year 2022 data within DB contained certain field with value “0”, causing the error “Uncaught division by zero” when deriving statistical percentage.

It was working for all these years, because there was no “0” in specific fields with DB for those previous years. I ques this started when I loaded data for 2022 year into DB. I was not checking. Definitely my fault.

Thank you all for your inputs.

InfinityFree works great! :ok_hand:

Kudos to InfinityFree for providing free hosting, and an opportunity to test ideas and gain experience before moving onto paid hosting. :+1:

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Thank you for your input ChrisPAR!!

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