My urls dont work for some reason

Website URL

Error Message

404 page not found

Other Information

if i put my url in the search bar it works but in my code doesn’t

Your site loads fine for me:

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oh im so sorry i forgot to mention. i meant if you try to actually read a blog. if you click on any card in the home page or the blogs page it gives me that error. sorry!

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I see, thank you!

Viewing the source of your blogs page, I can see it’s trying to load a script called “scripts-blogs.js” which doesn’t seem to exist:

    <script src="/script-blogs.js" defer></script>

Contrary, your index page is loading “script.js”:

    <script src="/script.js" defer></script>

So when clicking on the links, they work normally.

Please make sure your code is trying to load the correct files.


i fixed it and it still doesnt work. i made the script-blogs.js bcuz it was called script-blogs.html. now the index loads the 404 error and the blogs page doesnt work now (the script-blogs is ok now). is the index page working for u? are you able to read the blogs? i mean is it just for me?

They work fine for me, yes. Try clearing your browser’s cache.


i did. so you can open the blogs both from the index and blogs page?

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If I’ve understood something wrong and I’m meant to try to open something else, please let me know.


its working as expected. ill try and clear my browser and dns cache and then restart. thanks!

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