My site is detected as malicious

Website URL

Error Message

I’m trying to index my site on Google but it’s detected as malicious that is, it downloads malicious files. I also checked on virustotal and some antiviruses detect it as malicious there too. I was wondering how to fix this problem. Thank you.

the issue is with google and virus total, you’ll have to let them know that they are incorrect and hope that they fix the issue


Try all your site convert in English language once then try that language you using sometimes these language seems virus for google-bots and some other antiviruses try it once with English all your website then see.

thanks, I tried to scan my second site which is in English with virustotal but that too was detected as malicious by two antiviruses! This site is a forum that I installed with Softacolus and for precision and Flarum the site is:

can u show which files detected as Virus check antivirus logs and on which files those virus detects ? well, i have checked dat your site seems safe one more thing this is Because of Domain ( ( ( actually these kinds of Domain reported so many times for scams,spams and viruses this might be the reason they detects your site as virus on somewhere, try to use different Domain Providers Dont use ( try to use otherone then let us know if that fix your issue


Thank you very much for the reply, the problem could be with the domain since I uploaded my site files to Virustotal and did not detect any malicious files. Can you recommend a domain without this problem?

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If You Can Spend Some Money Then You should .com domain Or Buy Domain follows your countryside like example i lives in india I will Buy .in Domain its Costly Little not much but Its for one Year So You can Think about it You can Do Hosting From Infinity they also Provide Great Plans If You Spends Little Money Since hosting is Free But You can Buy more packs With more features and 24/7 support buy If You dont want to Spend Money You can See On any websites Those Provides Free Domain Infinityfree also Provides Free Domain but make Sure what kind of Business or Work You doing its all about you first.

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@Gabriele2009 I registered a domain free for life at

It can take some time to register (usually days but can sometimes take months

But its worth the wait, try it you might get lucky and get registered within a few days :smiley:


Thanks a lot for the answer. Unfortunately, being a minor, I’m unable to purchase a domain. However, I’m wondering if there are any options to convince Google that it’s an error and my website is not malicious. is a free service, no purchase necessary

I had a quick look over the site terms and conditions and didn’t spot anything that would prevent a minor from registering a free domain name


Verifying your website in Google Search Console and requesting a review is usually a good way to get Google to remove their false positive detection:

You can also report a false detection here, though adding your site to the search console if possible is recommended:


But when I try to register another second domain, it never accepted :unamused:


thats strtange, ive registered 8 domains so far !


Hi there,

I also got this annoying banner from Google.
My web-site has correct SSL signature, no any ads or popup windows, nothing commercial. The only reason was the cookies/storage use by JS code.

So, the solution requires two steps:

  1. Add to all of your pages some automatic warning with clear notification like “this site uses cookies for visitor convenience”. Also, this consent must include “accept” and “decline” options. Such notification code could be generated online by many free services - I found dozens of them searching for “cookie consent”.
  2. After this task completion you’ve to request a security review from Google console (as mentioned in comments before). To confirm that you are the owner Google will request inserting some meta-tag to homepage code. After 1-2 days you will get an official notification that your site is verified and found safe.

thank you so much for answering me. fortunately, without making any changes to my site and requesting a review of my site by Google, this warning that my site was malicious disappeared.

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