My free subdomain isn't pointing to


Error Message

(please share the FULL error message you see, if applicable)
My free subdomain isn’t pointing to instead it shows me this ----
The current nameservers of your domain are: ns1.byet,org, ns2.byet,org, ns3.byet,org, ns4.byet,org, ns5.byet,org.

As a result can’t install the free ssl certificate on my site and this has been so for about a week or more.

I replaced the period with commas between the byte and org because it wouldn’t allow me post more than two links.

Can you screenshot the exact error message you are getting? Using the recommended SSL provider in the client area flow should not result in any issues.


I am unable to get the error message that prompted me to point my nameserver to ns1infinityfree however, these screenshots do show that the records have been set, the system acknowledges it, but when I setup cname records, i successfully click on request certificate, it then tells me that the domain needs to be validated first.
As a result, I have made multiple requests and still get the same result.

Those are also our nameservers. Or rather, they point to the same servers, and the client area should detect it as such.

There were some issues with DNS check from the client area on the 31st of January, but that has now all been fixed.

At that point, the nameserver checks will also have said that your domain didn’t have any nameservers, which was wrong.

I just clicked Request Certificate for your pending Google Trust order and it completed successfully without any errors.


Thank you very much, it has gone through now, and the certificate has been installed.

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