My custom sub-domain not getting Live - can't it be automatic?

Created a subdomain at

Installed wordpress there but when I load that website, I get a message:

403 Forbidden

Server or website configuration is blocking you from viewing this page

I solved this problem by adding a .index.html file after reading the other posts here on this forum.

I request the admin to do this by default instead of we doing it manually. It helps a lot.

Hello @Vasuwp ,
It seems like your .htaccess file isn’t properly configured, so PHP/Apache doesn’t know what to serve the user. A simple way to fix this would be to add this line to your .htaccess file:

DirectoryIndex index.php index.html

This line says to serve a index.php file if there is one, and if there isn’t, it will try to serve a index.html file instead.

Hope this helps!


Have you already checked this article? A 403 forbidden error is a common issue when setting up a new domain name, and it usually means you didn’t upload your website correctly and to the right place.

Please note that the server will look for index.php and index.html files by default. If you get a 403 error, it means that no such file was found. If you have another file that should be loaded as the main page, this would be the way to do it, but even then I would strongly suggest to update your website so it conforms to file naming standards than reconfigure the server to fit your website.


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