MX Records Not Showing for My Domain on InfinityFree

Dear InfinityFree Support,

I am writing to inquire about an issue I’m experiencing with my MX records. I recently added the necessary MX records for my domain ( through the InfinityFree control panel, but they are not appearing.

Could you please investigate this issue and let me know if there is a problem on your end or if I have made a mistake in the configuration? It’s crucial for my email functionality that these records are properly configured.

For your reference, I have included the MX records I added:

Priority: 10, Host: @, Value:
Priority: 20, Host: @, Value:


You probably have to delete this:


In addition to what @Frank419 said, please note that DNS changes can take a few hours to take effect due to caching. So I don’t know how long ago it was that you added the records, but you may need to wait for a while to check again.


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